You are here: Property Management System > Locations/Vacancies > Location View

Location View

Each location can be viewed for further details from the Location Dashboard. The initial Location View includes a summary of the Rooms, Assigned Tenants and Amount Due on the right side. Lists of Rooms & Suites, Transactions, Tenants, Notifications and Reports are available on the left.

It is possible to send an e-mail message to tenants using the Notify Tenants button on the right.

Rooms & Suites

The Rooms & Suites tab lists all rooms and suites created for this Location. A summary of the number of tenants assigned to that room, the primary tenant and the balance due is displayed for each Suite. Click on a Suite name to view the details for the selected Suite. Use the + Add Room button to create a new room.


The Transactions tab lists all transactions that have been entered for this location. The individual details for each transaction listed can be accessed by using the View link to the left of the transaction line item.

The list can be limited to viewing only Recurring transactions by click the Recurring box in the upper right. This only displays one entry for each recurring transaction. If the list is limited to Recurring transactions the View link changes to an Edit link and the details of the recurring transaction can be edited for future entries.

The Apply Payments button allows you to match payments to invoices.


The Tenants tab lists all Tenants assigned to this location. By default only tenants that have been assigned to a Suite will be displayed. Uncheck the Assigned Tenants box to view a list of all tenants. Details for an individual tenant can be viewed by clicking on the name of the tenant. Each tenant is displayed with their name, assigned suite, last payment and next payment data.


The Notifications tab is a list of all digital notifications that have been sent to Tenants related to this Location. Notifications can be sent via e-mail or in-app message and can be written at the time of the notice or setup as a template before hand. For more information on notifications see the Notification Templates section.


The Reports tab is a list of reports available for the location. Reports include:

  • Tenant Report: List of all tenants, contact information and rent payment due.
  • Tenant Report - Expanded: Detailed list of tenant information.
  • Account Ledger: Summary of billing and payments by location, suite or tenant.
  • Revenue Statement: Revenue of report by date range and entity.
  • Non-Cash Reductions of AR: To summarize the non cash reductions to AR by category and by stylist.
  • ACH Report: Listing of ACH transactions.

To view the data in the report simply select the report of interest and click the Launch Report button. A new browser window opens with the requested data. Report data may be exported to an Excel format or PDF.