You are here: Property Management System > Tenants/Prospects > Managing Tenants > Editing a Tenant

Editing a Tenant

Tenant information such as their lease data and notes may be edited. Contact information can only be edited if the Tenant has not yet accessed the mobile app. If the Tenant has accessed the app then it becomes the Tenant's responsibility to keep their name, phone number and e-mail address up to date in the system.

Access the Tenant profile from the Tenant List on the left menu, the Tenant List for each location, or the Tenant List on each suite. Click the name of the Tenant to view the profile. Click the Edit Tenant button to make changes.

Notes, Lease Details and ACH can be edited at any time. If ACH data is present it is possible to automatically deduct invoices from the tenants bank account. A tenant can be unassigned from a suite by un-checking the 'Assigned to Suite' box. A tenant can be made the primary tenant by checking the 'Primary Tenant' box.

Click the Save button once edits are complete. The system returns to the Tenant profile view with the updated data displayed.